Living With Miss J: Day Seven

Miss J, Ballbusting

Sunday, 26th August 2012

The alarm buzzed at 7:30 a.m., wrenching me from the depths of a rather fitful sleep. As I groggily moved to turn it off, the physical toll from last night's events made itself known. An undercurrent of dull, throbbing pain suffused my body. Each shift and stretch seemed to ignite a different area, making it impossible to pinpoint whether the main source of discomfort was my legs, my thighs, my balls, or my groin. They seemed to collectively share the aftermath of last night's activities under Jade's command.

It seemed last night had taken its toll on Jade too. Her alarm sounded at 7:30 too, but was compelled to hit snooze for another hour, when she'd expect a hot bath to be ready for her and her breakfast soon after. Her orders were brief and to the point, a simple confirmation of times for her morning schedule. I acknowledged with the standard, "yes, Miss J."

Despite the ache, I pushed myself to start the day. After all, part of my role involved ensuring Jade's needs were catered to. As the clock moved closer to 8:30, I began to prepare her bath, filling the tub with warm water, ensuring it was just the right temperature. I was mindful of the timing, knowing she liked to maintain a certain rhythm to her mornings. Her breakfast was also a task that needed my attention.

After Jade's morning routine, we each went about our day. Jade was working again and I headed out to central London to make the most of the sunny day. As always, we messages throughout the day. During lunch, I sought validation, asking if my behaviour the previous day had been more acceptable that the night before. I also wanted to ensure she had enough food, so I grabbed some supplies.

Once we were both home, I made dinner and gave Jade a long-lasting foot rubs, taking satisfaction from being able to serve her in this manner. My housemate was due to return from his holiday. He wasn't expected back until early morning, but it did mean things were a little different. I wouldn't be sleeping in the living room tonight. I was allowed to sleep at the end of Miss J's bed.

This privilege excited me and meant I was close to my mistress throughout the evening. Under Miss J's orders, I was permitted to masturbate, but not without intermittent slaps to my already sensitive balls. The command to slap myself continued even through my climax, adding a painful edge to the usually pleasurable experience. Even after my orgasm, Miss J told me to keep slapping my balls, telling me, "keep slapping or I'll come over and kick you." Although the thought of being kicked in the balls actually excited me, I didn't dare disobey Miss J and continued to punish my balls for her until she was satisfied.

As we lay in the dark, Miss J asked me about my highlights for the week. In the quiet intimacy of the room, I confessed that being peed on was a highlight for me, an experience that was completely new to me and made me feel totally under her control. Another highlight was the first night she instructed me to lie at the end of her bed. It had a profound effect on me, making me feel owned, pet-like, an aspect of our dynamic I found deeply satisfying. I also admitted that getting to lick her delicious pussy was a highlight, an act of service that allowed me to feel closer to her in a way that only our unique relationship could provide.

The story continues: Living With Miss J: Day Eight