Miss J's Monthly Visit

Miss J

Sunday, 13th January 2013

As the time approached 8pm, I could feel my heart quickening with every tick of the clock. Tonight, Jade was coming over, and the very thought of her presence electrified the air. Despite her warning that she was exhausted from a long day, my anticipation didn't waver. She had sent a list of things she wanted. It included couscous, spinach, a veggie burger, a wholewheat bagel, and a few other items. I'd managed to pick up most of them from a nearby shop. She was also bringing salmon for dinner. The attention to detail mattered; it was a form of respect, of showing her that I cared.

Finally, the message I'd been waiting for arrived. "On my way now," she texted. The minutes that followed felt like hours. Then, I heard the sound of a car pulling up outside. It was her.

As she stepped into my flat, her face showed signs of the exhaustion she had talked about. "You look tired," I said cautiously, not wanting to upset her.

"I am. But I'm here, aren't I?" she retorted, half-smiling, reminding me of her power to dictate the emotional tone of the evening. "Show me what you've got for dinner." Pleased that I'd managed to get all her requests, I prepared dinner for her.

After dinner, we moved to the bedroom. "I'm tired. You undress me," she instructed. This was new, I'd never been allowed to undress Miss J before. She stood still as I carefully unbuttoned her shirt and unzipped her skirt. The authority in her voice left no room for negotiation. She was tired but still very much in control.

My hands moved to the waistband of her panties. I carefully slid them down, fully aware of the power dynamic in play. For a fleeting moment, the thought crossed my mind to pocket them for later, a secret trophy. But I instantly dismissed the idea. I wouldn't dare.

She walked over to the bed and lay back, reclining against the pillows. "Come here," she commanded. With a delicate push, she guided my head between her legs. As her legs parted, I saw it, the string of her tampon hanging down.

In that moment, I hesitated. Was I allowed? My mind raced. Nothing could stop me tasting my domme. So I did it. My tongue hesitated for a moment before making contact with the string, and I felt a mixture of taboo and thrill. It was soaked in her essence, tasting distinctly of her. It felt wrong and yet liberating at the same time.

Drawing the string between my lips, I delicately sucked on it, as if sampling a forbidden nectar. It was a profoundly intimate act, a gesture of devotion and an exploration of limits, pushing the boundaries of our already complex relationship. Each flick of my tongue against the string absorbed her essence, the taste amplifying the connection between us.

After what seemed like an age but was probably only a few seconds, I transitioned from the string to her, navigating the space between with careful precision. My tongue moved to the crest of her labia and then upwards to the nub of her clitoris. The mood shifted palpably, entering a realm where the norms of power and submission were magnified tenfold.

As I began to focus more intently on her clit, I sensed her body respond. hips slightly arching, a soft moan escaping her lips. My movements became more fluid, alternating between gentle flicks and more pronounced pressure, locked into the rhythm of her pleasure. I was acutely attuned to her body's cues, every twitch and moan a guide, steering me ever closer to her crescendo.

Finally, I felt it. the unmistakable quiver of her thighs, the tension in her abdomen, the sharp inhalation of her breath. She reached her climax, a moment of pure vulnerability and pleasure, and for a few fleeting seconds, all the rules, the dynamics, the complexities seemed to dissolve into a simple, overwhelming sensation of closeness.

As always when Jade stayed over, I slept at the foot of the bed. When morning came, we both rushed off to go about our days. "Thanks for coming over," I texted her later, reflecting on the unique intimacy of the night before. "It was strange to end up sucking your string as well as your pussy, it felt wrong and a little bit fun." I joked, "I was worried about messing around with girl stuff I don't understand."

She responded, "I wasn't sure you would, but I'm glad you did."

And that summed it up, really. Amid the power dynamics, the unspoken rules, and the silent negotiations, there existed a rare form of intimacy that only the two of us could understand. It was deeply personal, yet part of something larger, a relationship that pushed the boundaries, challenging both societal norms and our own comfort zones.

The story continues: The Difficult Decision To End Things With Miss J