How My Panty Sniffing Fetish Blossomed In London


Sunday, 16th October 2016

This is the true story of how I got into buying panties, why one girl bought a stranger’s pair of dirty panties for me on a date, and how I ended up sat with two sisters in a coffee shop in London talking about which of their pussies smelt the best.

My panty fetish was my first kink and still probably my favourite. I’ve loved dirty knickers for as long as I can remember. In my teens and early-20s I’d sniff them whenever I could, like when I was at friends’ houses or while left in my ex girlfriends’ bedrooms. I even managed to sniff a pair of my friend’s panties while she was sleeping in the same room.

It’s one of my biggest turn ons to get to smell a girl’s pussy on her warn garments, as a submissive male I see it as an extension of pussy worship. Being able to masturbate while filling my head with the intimate scent of a girl’s body is like being able to worship her pussy even when she’s not with me.

Up until my mid-20s I’d managed to get together a bit of a collection of used panties from exes and even bought a few pairs from girls online, but there wasn’t much of a buzz when buying online, half the excitement is finding out what type of underwear a girl is wearing and then getting to sniff them.

So, it seemed the best way to fuel my panty fetish was to meet girls and get the panties they were wearing. Impossible, right? No, pretty easy it turns out, if you don’t mind paying around £20 a time for the experience.

The first time I met a girl in person to buy her panties it didn’t go according to plan. We’d been emailing back and forth and she’d asked if I’d like them "really dirty.” I’d said just enough so I could smell her strongly on them so I was excited to find out what she’d deliver, she cancelled and rearranged countless times but we eventually settled on a day and time at Victoria Station. I rushed there from work at lunch, determined to get there and back within the hour.

I’d never met anyone from Craig’s List before so I was a little unsure about the whole thing and the meeting and the exchange was very awkward, neither of us really spoke other than confirming names. She wasn’t really what I was expecting, she wasn’t very attractive and not my type. She handed me a bright orange Sainsbury’s carrier bag (of course now-a-days she’d have to charge me 10p for that), I could feel a soft lump of fabric inside.

I sort of simultaneously handed her a £20, she made a joke about it being like a drug deal, we said our very brief and awkward goodbyes and then parted ways. I rushed back to work and still had a few minutes to spare, so I locked myself in the loos and opened the bag.

Although I wasn’t particularly attracted to this girl I was still very excited to get to sniff the scent of her pussy on her panties. I peered inside the bag and could see some pink panties, I picked them up, they were damp to the touch so I lay them out inside the bag.

She had gone for the “really dirty” option, way too dirty. In fact it was so dirty it was like a dirty protest. The pinks granny knickers stunk badly. The whole package was disgusting, it smelt rotten, like they’d been left on a radiator for days. I put them straight in the bin without even taking them out of the bag.

I can only assume that it was some kind of weird sick joke, surely no one would want panties that dirty. I came to the conclusion that she’d purposely given me disgusting panties. She emailed later asking how they were, I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of knowing she’d got to me, so I just said “they’re great thanks, maybe I could get some more from you sometime?"

Well, it was a while until I did meet anyone to buy panties again but when I did it worked out very well. First I bought a pair from a professional cyclist (she almost cycled for Britain in the Olympics), after paying £15 for an equally awkward exchange outside Vauxhall station, I took her panties home. Her panties were delivered in a state I’ve come to expected. Neatly folded and wrapped in a plastic bag for freshness. The crotch of the panties showed obvious signs of wear and they smelt great.

The next meeting was free! A girl responded to my ad on Craig’s List and said she wasn’t really interested in the money, she was just happy to meet up for a chat and give me the panties she was wearing. She was a very attractive black woman, about 28. We met at the incredibly touristy Tiger Tiger in the West End and we had a couple of cocktails together. We talked quite openly about sex and our encounters with Craig’s List. She explained that she liked meeting people and making their fantasies come true, which is why she wasn’t interested in being paid. Towards the end of the evening she went to relieve herself and came back with her panties in her closed fist. She’d some how balled up a little cherry-print thong, I don’t know how she’d done it, it was like some kind of panty origami, I’d never be able to replicate it.

So this is how most of my experiences buying panties went. There was a curvy black girl in St James’s Park, an alternative white German girl who took off her panties in the restroom of a Costa Coffee in Haymarket for me and a Brazilian woman who did the same in a Starbucks on Oxford Street. I met a student from Hong Kong a couple of times at Vauxhall station where we shared a coffee together and one girl even took it upon herself to give me a peek up her skirt before going to the bathroom of Nero in Camden to prove she was giving me the panties she was wearing.

By this time I’d gotten pretty comfortable with meeting girls from Craig’s List and buying panties was no longer a thing to feel embarrassed or awkward about and that’s when I met my first regular seller and she was a dream come true.

Her name was Louise and she was really cute, short, slim, attractive and a brunette, just my type. She was quite young, I forget how young, maybe 23. The first time I met her was on Whitehall late one Sunday night, she hadn’t sent me a photo in advance so I didn’t know who I was looking for but at this time of the day on a Sunday Whitehall was quiet and we found each other easily and she gave me two pairs of panties.

She smelt great, every pair of knickers she sold me smelt of her tasty little pussy. She sold me loads of different styles and I started to pick up on the subtle differences in the scent of her pussy juices at different times of the month.

After our first meeting we started meeting in coffee shops or McDonalds (she loved McDonalds) and she'd always take of her panties in the bathroom for me. She was a natural, she’d come back to the table and either slip them into my pocket or straight into my man bag. It was a natural hand over and took away any awkwardness.

I ended up with about 15 pairs of used knickers from Louise but she started getting a little aggressive about meeting, nagging for chance to sell because she needed the cash. This kind of ruined the excitement for me. If I’m paying a girl just £20 for a pair of panties, it should really just be for fun. That cash should cover travel costs and help her buy a replacement pair of knickers, it’s only fair but this girl seemed to be relying on my little cash injection as she was struggling for money. Therefore it seemed she was more interested in the money than the naughty game and that really put me off, it made it feel like exploitation rather than a mutually beneficial purchase.

I phased Louise out as I wasn’t really comfortable after that but I really wanted to find a new regular to buy from, having a regular seller meant I got to know the girl and it was more like sniffing the panties of a friend or girlfriend than a stranger, it worked perfectly to give me the desired buzz.

I went through a couple more regulars, one called Helen, I bought from her a few times. We first met at a Starbucks on Tottenham Court Road. She was a short blonde girl with really pretty brown eyes, but again I felt like the money was the main thing for her and to be honest, she seemed coked up to her eye balls the few times we met and I feared that was where the money was going.

The next panty seller I met was a Spanish girl names Sofia. She was incredible. She was beautiful, had an amazing body and she has the best panties I’ve ever been lucky enough to smell, also we got on really well. The first time I met Sofia was a cold Saturday afternoon before Christmas. We ended up spending six hours together wandering around shops and diving in and out of coffee shops. While in my favourite Starbuck’s on St. Martin’s Lane, Sofia went to the loo, I sat sipping my tea and waiting when my phone vibrated. Sofia had sent me a photo of herself wearing the panties in the bathroom! It was very exciting.

After teasing me with the photos, Sofia came back to the table still wearing her panties, it was then my turn to go to the bathroom. I sent her photos of my hard cock from inside the cubicle, in the hope it would make her panties even wetter.

An hour or so later, Sofia finally took her panties off in a restaurant bathroom and gave them to me, I slipped them into my pocket. We continued our walk around Central London and the first chance I got on a quite street which runs parallel to Carnaby Street, I pulled her wet knickers out of my pocket and sniffed them.

Sofia smelt amazing, she’d told me how her pussy is always wet and she’d even been wearing the panties for three days prior to meeting me to ensure they smelt great. Sofia knew she had a great scent and it was pleasure to sample it. Sadly, Sofia’s time in London didn’t last much longer and she headed back home to Spain.

My next exciting encounter with a panty seller came thanks to a tall, blonde dominant girl called Keira, who I went on a few dates with. She had the potential to become my Christian Grey. She had a good job, was well off and she didn’t like the "dated concept" of men paying for dates and instead liked to spend fairly extravagantly on me and order my food and drink for me.

On our first date she’s brought along a pair of her panties and ordered me to go to the bathroom and put them on and wear them for the rest of the evening, although I love panties, wearing them was a first for me but I did as I was told.

Before we met for the second time, Keira messaged me in the morning saying that she had forgotten panties for me to wear and that I had to get some before we met. She suggested I put an ad on Craig's List (as that’s how we met) stating that I needed some panties for the evening. She told me to state in the ad that my mistress had requested I get them to wear to the cinema with her that evening.

Luckily I got a couple of replies and I met one girl right near where I worked. She loved the whole story of being forced to wear them then, she sold me her worn pink, silky panties and put a little note in the bag saying "have fun.” Due to the nature of Craig’s List of people wasting time and cancelling, I’d also arranged to meet another woman in town outside the Dominion theatre, she was a dominatrix herself so me being forced to wear panties on a night out came as no shock to her.

I rushed from the Dominion to Leicester Square and put the panties on in the public loos there, I went with the soft silky pink ones as I knew they’d feel better against my cock. I sent a photo message to Keira to show her what I was wearing.

At the end of the night Keira insisted on paying for the panties I’d bought. We argued about it a little but due to the nature of our relationship, I couldn’t really say no. I knew she would try to pay so I only told her about one of the pairs of panties I bought. I also told her they were only £10, in fact they were £20.

It was very exciting though to have a girl buy a pair of used panties for me on a second date. Sadly that was also the last date, we just kind of drift apart from then on.

More recently a girl named Lily responded to my ad for panties on Craig’s List, she was fine with the whole meeting in a coffee shop and taking her undies of scenario but wanted to know if I’d be interested in buying from her and her sister, both were willing to meet up.

The morning of the meet I got a message from Lily checking we were still on for the evening, she "we both slept in our panties and played with ourself and are now at a dance rehearsal will see you at Costa."

We met at one of my usuals, the Costa on Haymarket and we found a quiet table downstairs. I bought the girls a coffee, they were both stunning drama students, very athletic, great bodies and very pretty. They were 19 and 21 yearsold, the eldest a brunette and the Hannah, the younger sister, a blonde.

We chatted over our coffee about their courses at uni, their life, where they went out drinking in the West End. We also chatted a bit about panty selling, this was the first time they’d done it.

It was really hot being sat with two girls and both of them knowing I’m a dirty panty addict. As a submissive guy it felt like I was giving them the upper-hand and I enjoyed the sense of humiliation I felt from them knowing my dirty secret.

Once we’d finished our coffees they girls went off to the single-cubicle bathroom together, I love the idea of them stripping down and taking off their underwear together. When they came back Lily handed me two small plastic bags with their fresh, wet panties inside.

I then excused myself and went to the bathroom myself to examine the packages. Both girls had written a little note so I knew which pair belonged to which girl. In the first bag was a cute blue thong and the note “what you’ve been waiting for, Lily x.” I brought them to my nose and sniffed her fresh scent, she smelt good, not too strong but a really nice scent.

Then I opened the second bag, Hannah had given me a pink thong and a note saying “I hope you enjoy them, Hannah x.” I took a sniff of Hannah’s, she smelt amazing, her panties had more discharge in them and she smelt much stronger, I could tell she'd been dancing in them all day.

Joining the girls back at the table I confessed that I’d sniffed their panties in the bathroom and Lily asked which of the them smelt the best. I really wanted to like Lily’s best because it was her I’d been emailing back and forth to arrange the meet up and I generally prefer brunettes, but Hannah’s pink thong did smell the best by a long way. The girls didn’t seem to mind either way, but clearly enjoyed the idea of me comparing their intimate scents.

The next panty seller I met was a very attractive black girl, we met in a quiet part of Vauxhall Park one evening, well we met outside the park somewhere public because I wanted her to feel safe. She led me through the park to a quiet spot behind some bushes, she then turned to face me and lifted up her skirt. She was wearing a frilly purple and pink thong. It was so hot seeing her expose her panties in public. She then said “take them,” I knelt down in front of her (like a good submissive) and reached up for the waist band and hooked my fingers underneath I then slowly pulled her panties down her smooth, slim, black legs, savouring every second of it.

Once I had her panties in my hand I held them out in front of my face, turned them out and held the gusset to my nose and inhaled her scent, she had one of the best pussies I have smelt and it was so hot to be sniffing her while kneeling in front of her while in a park, but then it got even more exciting. Unexpectedly she said “you can lick me if you want,” I couldn’t believe my luck and agreed.

She sat down on the grass with her skirt around her waist. I led down between her legs and started to lick her sweet pussy, I slid my hands underneath her and grabbed her ass, she leant back giving me better access to her wet slit. It didn’t last long, maybe about a minute, it was just a taster.

After that I couldn’t have walked home quick enough, with the taste of her pussy on my lips and her panties in my back pocket, I couldn’t wait to wank.

So those are my most memorable and exciting panty related experiences but the pussy licking wasn’t the only time things escalated beyond just buying panties. Remember I mentioned the curvy black girl in St James’s Park? Well, when we first met I just bought her panties, a very quick exchange in the park at lunchtime but we kept in touch, I boasted about how good I am with my tongue and she hinted that she was interested in coming over.

So one afternoon she came to my house, not to sell me her panties, but to give me her panties. She was pretty nervous in my bedroom but she took of her short denim skirt, she was wearing a black lacy thong.

I pulled off my jeans and led on my bed and she climbed on top of me and straddled my face, then lowered her smelly panty covered pussy on to my face. I took deep breaths of her scent as she ground against my face pushing my nose into her pussy, only blocked by the wet fabric of her knickers.

She then stood up and turned around, I watched her take off her panties as she stood over me then she lowered herself down on my face again. My tongue dashed out to meet her clit as she pushed down, forcing my nose between her big butt cheeks.

She grabbed my hard cock through my boxers and started to stroke me, she was pretty lacklustre, I don’t know if it was because she lacked confidence or she was just more interested in having her pussy licked.

After a while her rubbish hand job became more of an annoyance than pleasure and was taking my attention away from eating her pussy, so I suggested she lay on her back at the end of the bed. I crawled between her legs and licked her, while I did I stroked my cock, I shot my load and then a few minutes later she came hard.

She pulled out a clean pair of knickers from her bag to wear home and left her dirty panties for me to add to my now quite substantial collection of dirty undies, each pair with a story and a memory of the girl who wore them.

And then there was Sofia, who returned to London from Spain and we became friends. We played together a few times, often it revolved around panties, other times it revolved around something she loves... kicking men in the balls.