My First Ballbusting Experience & The Domme That Changed My Life

Miss J, Ballbusting

Tuesday, 12th June 2012

This is a true story based on my own experiences. It isn't the first time I was with a dominant woman, but it was the first time with Jade or Miss J as she was called in the bedroom. This first afternoon of play marked the start of a very trusting friendship that allowed us both to experiment and explore our kinks.

It was a Tuesday afternoon in London and was I stood excitedly in the underground station waiting for the girl I'd been chatting to online. I'd seen plenty of her photos, so I knew who to look out for.

One photo in particular was running through my head at this moment, exciting me. It showed Jade, a stunning, petite, black girl with long black kinky hair, wearing a tight denim dress that really showed off her curves, her beautiful, soft, dark legs and small feet. Her pretty face looked cute and friendly, but I knew she had a dark side and that I wouldn't be able to look into her big brown eyes and say 'no' to her.

Suddenly that face was in front of me and I watched as the rest of her body appeared over the top of the escalator as she rode to the surface. The nearer to the top, the more of her I saw.

She looked beautiful but emotionless, staring blankly as people who use the London Underground often do, but smiled when she saw me. She was wearing a loose-fitting black and white striped top and black leggings. She stepped off the top of the escalator and I noticed she was wearing Doc Martin boots. She walked towards me as I waited outside the ticket barrier.

I still wasn't sure how to address Jade in public, I didn't want to risk calling her by her first name and I was too embarrassed to call her Miss J in public. I settled for "hi, how are you?" and we talked about her journey as I walked her back to my flat. It's a short walk but we covered off the delay she endured and the old woman who 'smelt of death' in her carriage.

Ladies first. I let Jade walk in through the front door before me, I took the opportunity to get a peek at her shapely ass as she walked into the hallway. Stepping inside Jade dropped her bag near the door and kicked off her boots. We walked through the small living room and into the kitchen.

"Did you get my lunch?" Jade asked demandingly. "Yes Miss J," I said as I opened the fridge to show her. She approved and said, "I'll have the rice pudding now," adding, "wash your hands first."

"I want the rice pudding in a bowl," she said, "don't microwave it for too long and I want three spoonfuls of jam in the middle."

I realised my mistress had a bit of a sweet tooth, it's kind of a cute snack, child-like almost. It brought back memories of stirring jam in to rice pudding until it went pink as a child. The microwave pinged after two minutes, in which time Jade had managed to find some foil I didn't know I owned, washed the grapes I'd bought her as instructed and put half into a bowl. She secured the foil over the top of the bowl of steaming rice pudding while asking, "where's your bedroom?"

"Through there, Miss J," I replied gesturing back through to the hallway.

"Okay, bring all of this and show me," she instructed. I grabbed the two bowls and showed Miss J along the corridor to the bedroom. The spacious room smelt of agar wood incense as usual, but the bed was freshly made with crisp sheets for a change. My MacBook was awaiting her. As ordered in the instructions she'd emailed prior to our meeting, the latest episode of Eastenders was open in full screen mode ready for her to start watching.

I placed Jade's food down on the desk next to the laptop. Jade sat on the bed opposite the screen and stretched over to click play. The familiar theme tune rang out as Jade snapped, "lie on the floor," and pointed to a space in front of her. I acknowledged her with a "yes, Miss J," as I quickly did as I was told. Lying facing the floor along the side of the bed, I felt Jade's feet on my back, they settled there as she got comfortable using me as her foot stool.

I don't watch much television, so I didn't know who the people shouting and whining at each other in Jade's soap were. I was more concerned by her feet on my back. I felt her move as she reached for her bowl, I couldn't see which bowl she had gone for but as I don't hear the unwrapping of foil I guessed it was the grapes. As she settled back with the bowl in her lap I felt her shuffle and she raised a foot. Suddenly it crashed back down on to my lower back. I'm surprised, I wasn't expecting to be kicked while she ate, I let out a low groan.

"Is there a problem, Slave?" she asked.

"No, Miss J."

She kicked me again but this time I maintained my silence. I could feel my heart pounding as my chest is pressed against the floor under the weight of Jade's legs resting on my back.

So this is 'objectification'? Jade had said it was something she'd wanted to experiment with in her initial emails, and now here I was, a human foot stool and I was loving it. I savoured the feeling of Jade's heels digging in to my back, the warmth, the weight. I became aware of my erection pushing down on to the carpeted floor under my weight as Jade's spoon scraped that last of her desert from the bowl.

"Put your blindfold on," Jade said as her feet move from my back freeing me and allowing me to follow her instruction. I grabbed the black eye mask from the top of my chest of drawers and slipped it over my head, making sure the patch covered my eyes and completely obscured my vision. Now in darkness, Jade's next order, "take off your jeans."

For some reason taking off clothes in the dark was way more difficult than it should be, especially slim fitting jeans which were tight around the legs. I lost my balance slightly but recovered as I step out of my jeans, just as Jade snapped, "crawl back to me and lie down."

On my knees I moved towards Jade's voice, "hurry up!" I had one hand in front of me reaching out, searching for obstacles or familiar items to help guide me. I felt the corner of the bed and followed it along. As I got close to Jade, she grabbed the collar of my t-shirt at the back and pulled me further along the floor until I was back in my previous position. "Lie down," she said.

Once again, Jade's feet rested on my back and already I'd lost all sense of time. I was running on adrenalin, I was in the dark and I was completely under Miss J's spell. It must have been five or ten minutes later when the soap finally came to an end.

Her feet were gone from my back and I could feel her walk away from me. "Spread your legs," she ordered and I parted my legs, feeling vulnerable in just my underwear and a t-shirt. "Wider!" she snapped. I did as I was told and it fell silent, all I could hear was my heart beating. What was she doing? I was terrified and excited at the same time, so excited. Being made to wait in this way was so humiliating and degrading, I'd never felt so owned.

I felt Jade step closer to me from behind. Then I felt her foot. I could feel the fabric of her thick white sock and the shape of her toes. Her foot was between my legs. With my legs spread she had full access to my most sensitive area. She gently rubbed her foot over my testicles, teasing me. Her foot moved forward slightly and brushed along the underside of my hard cock, as if checking whether I am hard for her. I felt her toe move across a damp patch which had formed on my boxers at the tip of my cock. The top of her foot slid back down to my balls, she lightly applied pressure and delicately pushed them up against my body before her foot vanished once again.

A few seconds passed, it felt like minutes. Then her foot hit my balls, it was a light tap, it didn't really hurt, it was a playful warning shot. She rubbed her foot over my balls again, pushing underneath me and teasing my cock a little more. Without warning she swung at me again, another light, playful tap to the balls.

"Lift your hips. Arch your back," she ordered. I did as I was told and lifted my pelvis from the floor giving her full access to my now hanging balls. The only protection being the fabric of my boxer shorts. I felt the tip of her toes gently tap against my swinging balls.

I knew what was coming. We'd talked about ballbusting and I knew it was something she was keen to try, but I'd never been kicked in the balls before. Surely she couldn't do this to me already, I'm new to this! She's new to this! Is she actually going to kick me, kick me in the balls?

Her foot was lightly touching my nuts, she lined up her shot, she took aim. Suddenly her foot was gone and then... smack! FUCK! The top of her foot slammed hard in to my balls. So much harder than I expected, I let out a grunt but managed to hold in my profanity. There was no taking things slowly with Miss J, she knew exactly what she wanted to do to me. Again, Jade asked that question, "is there a problem?"

"No, Miss J," I meekly replied. Did I really just say no? This girl asked me if there was a problem after booting me in my testicles! There was a problem actually, the problem was that it really hurt but it was so exciting, like mind-blowing exciting. My cock was desperate for attention and was rubbing against the carpet through the ever-growing flood of pre-cum on the front of my boxers.

Still with access to my most delicate area, her foot moved in underneath me and she gently pushed my balls up against my body as she took aim once again. I closed my eyes tightly underneath my blindfold and braced myself for another sharp bolt of pain, it came quickly, her toned leg swung down and her foot made contact with my balls, smashing them against me.

Some how I manage to let out less noise than the first blow but the pain was too much, I fell back to the floor and instinctively closed my legs, hiding my genitals from my torturous Mistress. Despite the pain, my cock was still rock hard and my breathing was fast.

Sounding impatient, Jade asked, "are your balls OK?"

"Yes, Miss J."

"Good, take your pants off," I was told and I quickly pulled my boxers down my legs and returned to my spot on the floor. I braced myself but nothing happened, it was the first time Miss J has seen my genitals in the flesh. Perhaps she was examining the erection I had on display for her or checking I had shaved my balls in preparation for her arrival as she had requested.

Whatever she was doing, she was teasing and taking her time, I almost flinch when I heard her command, "lift your hips again." I did as instructed, and I was once again in position waiting to have my balls busted. I scrunched up my face in anticipation of the pain, her foot landed hard on my balls, my groan didn't make it passed my tightly braced lips. Then another kick, and another.

I fell to my side and curled up, grabbing my punished balls. For such a petite girl, she could certainly pack a lot of force behind her kicks, especially for such dainty feet. Still blindfolded, I couldn't see Miss J. I couldn't gauge her reaction to my act of protection, to my surrender. She had broken me. Luckily she sensed that and with relief I heard her sit back down on the bed and ask "do you need a minute?" I politely replied, "yes please, Miss J" and I could hear the new submissive tone in my voice.

I rolled around on the floor cupping my throbbing balls. I had no idea how long I had been serving my beautiful Mistress, but I was sure there was much more to come. After a few minutes I heard her voice from the direction of the bed, "lie on the bed, I want to sit on your face while I watch TV."

I crawled towards the bed and climbed up on to the mattress and led on my back, still blindfolded. I felt the mattress dip either side of my head as she knelt over me. "Close your mouth!" Miss J snapped before lowering herself on to me. She was facing the laptop's screen, her back towards my body. Her crotch met my face, and oh my God, she was so wet! The crotch of her leggings were soaked through. I inhale deeply, her scent was incredible. There was nowhere I would have rather been at that moment than under this 22-year-old's sweet pussy, I couldn't have imagined how good she smelt. I breathed in deeper, it was intoxicating.

With the smell of Miss J driving me crazy, I started to get frustrated, I wanted to taste her. I could feel her juices on my lips but I'd been instructed to keep my mouth closed. God, I wanted her though! She gently rocked back and forth against my face, just a little, while she watched the second episode of the soap on my laptop. Then all of a sudden she spun around and sat back down on my face, now my nose was buried in between her ass cheeks.

From her new position Miss J could reach my cock and balls. She hit my cock once and then again, there was nothing I could do to prevent it, even if I had wanted to. I let out a muffled moan under Miss J's weight. Her ass was pressing down on my face, it was like being gagged and I was pinned to the bed too, unable to escape her. Next it was my balls, the slaps to my cock were bearable, but as Miss J slapped my balls, I squirmed a little under her. The third and forth slaps landed firmly on my tortured balls while I was trapped beneath her sweet pussy. Suddenly she was done, she climbed off me and I heard her move across the room.

I lay in the darkness for a few moments and then she was back, I felt her hands on my testicles first, she was being gentle. Then there was something cold and then it was tight. She was wrapping a leather cock ring under my balls. I heard the metal clasps snap in to place after passing it over the base of my still hard penis. The purpose of the cock ring is to keep a guy erect by trapping the blood in his manhood. It also has the added benefit of pushing the balls to the bottom of the ball sack and pushing them forward. I was vulnerable once again, my skin was pulled tight over my balls which were presented for Miss J's pleasure.

Still blind to the room thanks to the blindfold, my heightened sense of hearing picked up a sound, it was familiar but I couldn't place it until I felt something drip on to my cock. It was hot, very hot. It was burning, not badly but it was uncomfortable, I squirmed and covered myself. The sound I had heard was the sound of a lighter, Miss J had lit a candle and was now dripping the hot wax on to my naked groin. The bossy domme was unimpressed by my actions. "Move your hands!" she said in a raised voice while slapping them away.

I obeyed and with her target once again in sight, Miss J continued to drip the melted wax all over my cock. She drew a dotted line of wax on the underside of my erection. The wax dripped rhythmically along my length, starting at the base the drips got closer to the exposed head of my cock. My breathing was fast and my heart was pounding in my chest, with each burning drip I took a sharp inward breath.

Without warning the candle moved and the wax found a new target, my sensitive, bound balls. Miss J allowed drip after drip of molten wax to pour on to my reddening balls, the whole torturous routine was being carried out in silence other than my occasional moans of pleasure and pain. It was a strange sensation feeling the wax hardening on my balls. It didn't burn here as much as it had on my penis but it was still an intense feeling. I felt Jade's warm breath on my cock as she gently blew on me to dry the wax. After a deep breath she then cooled the wax on my balls.

Once she was satisfied that it was set, I receive an unexpected slap to the balls, then several more smacks in quick succession. Miss J had hit the wax clear off of my balls leaving them naked once again. I rolled on to my side and pulled my legs up to shield myself. Being hit in the balls while wearing the cock ring made it much more painful, with my balls bunched up together, there was nowhere for them to escape, they couldn't move to soften the impact. Miss J tugged my ankles, pulling my legs straight, then she slapped my cock hard until the last of the wax had been beaten off of it. I felt her pick a few straggling bits of wax off of me with her manicured nails.

Miss J had obviously enjoyed punishing my balls while bunched up in the cock ring and wanted to play some more, she landed another punch straight between my nuts, it was agony and one punch was enough, I couldn't take any more and once again protected myself from my cruel playmate. Luckily Miss J picked up on this and gave me time to recover, "take your cock ring off" she snapped - of course I did as I was told. Being freed felt good, I gave my balls a tender rub as I felt them come back to life.

As I led on the bed, my body recovering from its first punishment at the hands of Miss J, I began to relax. The break in the excitement caused my cock to begin to soften. Miss J noticed the change in the state of my arousal, "wank! I'm not sitting on your face until you're hard again," she ordered.

I started to stroke my dick, it only took seconds for my manhood to return to its former glory. Miss J seemed satisfied, "good, stop wanking." I did as I was told and felt the bed compress beside my head as my dom stood with her feet either side of my head.

I felt her lower herself down on to me, I could smell her sweet scent as her wet pussy got closer and closer to my waiting mouth. Then I felt her against my lips, flesh on flesh. While I had been stroking myself, Miss J had removed her leggings. I had earned full access to her beautiful pussy.

"Keep your mouth closed," she ordered. So close but so far. Being denied her body was a form of torture far more extreme than a kick in the balls. I could feel her smooth black pussy against my lips, she was so hot and wet, practically dripping on my face. I inhale, it was bliss. Her intoxicating scent was driving me wild and I wanted to taste her so badly.

"Suck my clit," a command I was more than happy to obey. I opened my mouth and sucked her into it, flicking my tongue over her I sucked her in deeper. "Gently!" Miss J snapped. I loosen my suction and softly massaged her clit with my lips. It was hard to gauge a reaction from my mistress, I assumed I was doing okay, I'm sure she would have told me otherwise.

After sucking for a while, Miss J's delicious-smelling pussy started to get even more wet. "Lick me," she ordered. Finally I got to taste her as I slipped my tongue into her pussy. The flavour was like no girl I had ever been with before, Miss J really was worthy of being worshiped. She was clearly turned on, her juices were running in full flow. I lapped it up, thick in places, I swallowed it all down, working from the bottom of her pussy up to her clit. My tongue cleaned her cunt and I guzzled down the waste.

"Get on the floor, kneel next to the bed," Miss J suddenly said.

"Yes, Miss J", I replied in acknowledgement as I climbed down on to the floor. I heard her shift on the bed as she commanded me, "lick my ass."

My tongue had never been near anyone's ass before but today wasn't the day to be concerned about trying anything new. I moved my head forward until I felt my lips against her soft flesh. Damn that blindfold! I would have loved to have been able to see her hot black ass, it looked great through her leggings on the way in to the flat, I wished I could have seen it up close.

Jade seemed to be enjoying having her ass licked, and her orders continued, "spread my cheeks... kiss my ass hole." It felt good to get my hands on her body and feel her round ass cheeks in my hand. I pulled her ass open and pushed my face deeper between her crack. My tongue reached out and made contact, her ass actually tasted sweet.

I couldn't believe I was doing this, I'd never had the desire to lick a girl here before, but it wasn't unpleasant, in fact it was very enjoyable. Jade's breathing became harder, she pushed her ass back into my face and I could tell that she was enjoying the sensation of my tongue against her ass hole. Knowing my mistress was enjoying me servicing her ass only made me feel more excited and keen to comply.

"Circle the hole with your tongue" she snapped. The motion of my tongue instantly changed to match her request. "Now, gently push it in," I did as she asked, tickling the centre of her ring with the tip of my tongue. I was in heaven, I'd never rimmed anyone before but Jade's ass was so worthy of this attention.

I don't know how much time had passed but Miss J had me worship her for what seemed like an hour or more. The soap playing on the laptop had finished a long time ago. She had me alternate between licking her ass and then switching to licking her pussy clean of all the juices which she had produced, presumably due to the excitement of having her ass licked. "Suck up my juices," she ordered and I greedily guzzled down as much as I could.

Most of this time Jade was on all fours on the bed as I knelt at the foot of it, this gave me easy access to both her ass and pussy, despite being blindfolded. At times she climbed on top of me, and to remind me who was boss she occasionally slapped my balls.

I'd never spent so long giving oral sex, I love to pleasure a woman and it's something I pride myself at being good at, but as much as I had enjoyed eating her, as amazing as her juices tasted in my mouth, I couldn't make her cum. I had no real way of knowing how long I had been working on her pussy and her clit, but I failed. I felt awful as Miss J snapped, "stop, get off me."

I felt a little rejected as Miss J moved away from me, but then she said, "follow me... on your knees." I crawled behind her, out of the bedroom. She grabbed a handful of my hair at the back of my head and she guided me in to the bathroom.

"Stop," Miss J ordered, and I sat back and knelt near the door. I heard her lift the toilet lid and sit down. After a few seconds I heard her dripping, I heard a hissing sound as her pussy lips parted and her pee flowed from her body. I had an idea of what was about to happen. I knelt patiently, anxious and nervous. If I was right then this was again, something I'd never done before, another first and it would be a real test of my willingness to submit.

The final drops fell below her into the bowl, my heart was pounding in my chest, she pulled the flush and over the sound of rushing water Miss J said "lick me clean." I wasted no time and crawled towards her, she grabbed the sides of my head and guided me towards her, stood over me with her dripping pussy. I extended my tongue, I've never tasted piss before. A strange flavour, not how I expected. Bitter. I pushed my tongue inside her and lapped up her salty pee, she started to grind against my face as I tried to swallow up every last drop from her smooth, sweet pussy.

She put her leg up on the toilet giving me better access. "Wank" she ordered. I reached for my rock hard cock while continuing to lick her, she rubbed her pussy against my face hard, burying my nose inside of her. She began to aggressively ride my face, sliding over my mouth and nose with her wet pussy. Suddenly her breathing shifted to short, sharp breaths, and I could feel her clitorous had become engorged. With her hands on the back of my head, she pushed my face hard into her cunt as she shuddered and let out a series of soft moans and came while stood over me.

Through her shallow gasps she said, "you can cum now," as she forced her ass in to my face. I began to stroke my aching cock faster. She was pushing her ass hard against me, shaking her cheeks and grinding against my face. Finally I came, so hard, I blindly shot wave after wave of hot cum from my teased cock. As I began to slump, Miss J moved away from me and walked out of the bathroom, "stay there" she demanded.

I waited quietly and exhausted on the bathroom floor, after a minute or so Miss J returned. I heard the clunk of my heavy metal belt land on the cold hard floor as Miss J dumped my clothes in a pile just inside the door. "Clean yourself up and get dressed," Miss J said as she closed the bathroom door. I removed my blindfold, my eyes adjusted to the light and I saw the puddle on the bathroom floor, I did cum hard.

The story continues: My Second Afternoon Serving The Domme That Changed My Life