'You're Lucky I'm Ill'

Miss J, Ballbusting

Tuesday, 13th November 2012

I was home in the warm, feeling cozy as the first properly wintery night of the year gripped London. The thought of my mistress popped into my head and I grabbed my phone "Hi Miss J, how are you? Did you hear back about the internship?" I typed, trying to show her my genuine interest in her life, despite the carnal desires that also stirred within me. She responded with a dry humour that was so uniquely hers, "I hope you're not going to ask me to wank." I could almost hear her smirk through the screen.

"Well, I was going to, sorry Miss J," I confessed. There was no use in pretending - it seems Jade was developing quite a knack for seeing through me.

"They just emailed me back, saying they can't offer that. So that's over," she informed, her disappointment seeping through her words. I hated to see her upset and tried to offer some comfort, "There will be other/better opportunities." I was pleased when she responded in a more positive note, "I sure hope so, but I'm fine and then you can make me cum again tomorrow and I'll be happy."

"I will do my best!" I responded, eagerly, my mind already filled with ways Jade might use me for her pleasure.

I was secretly quite please by the news because Jade had emailed them saying that she'd be happy to accept the internship, but only if she could do a three day week with them. This meant her regular visits to mine wouldn't be affected, something she had factored into her decision. She told me, "I had to consider my slave and me time."

By the next morning, Jade informed me that she was feeling unwell, her usual energy drained by a cold. She said, "I won't have the energy to use the strap on or much else." I felt a surge of concern and immediately wanted to take care of her, "OK Miss J, sounds like you just need looking after."

She admitted her illness would hinder her usual dominance, "I won't be able to dish out much pain," but assured me she would "save that for next month as your Xmas present! Muahaha." The implication of her maniacally laugh in her text was a funny touch, but I knew that in real life Jade was far too cool for a reaction like that. Still, her word sent a shiver of excitement and a tinge of fear through me.

When Jade arrived later that morning, I was ready, having donned my collar in preparation. She looked ill, her eyes shadowed with fatigue, but still an enthralling sight. My world always felt more complete when she was in it, especially when I was under her control. After checking the food, she sent me out to shop for jam roll polly. I was out and back in a jiffy, my heart pounding at the prospect of serving her.

Upon returning, I helped her with her CV, cooked her lunch, and set up a LinkedIn profile for her. Jade was clearly appreciating my efforts, her mood improving gradually. Then came the order I was waiting for - the order that always sent a jolt of excitement through me, "put your blindfold on and crawl under the covers."

Miss J was on her stomach, the intoxicating scent of her filling my senses as I crawl between her smooth, black legs. I wasn't allowed to touch or lick, my head just nestled there between her thighs for about 10 minutes, but it felt much longer. The anticipation was unbearable, a sweet torture that she expertly orchestrated.

Finally, the permission I was waiting for arrived, "lick me." I complied immediately, my tongue exploring her, tasting her. She instructed me to use my hands to massage her ass, to which I happily obliged. I squeezed and worshipped her ass, losing myself in the act. The feel of her soft skin, the taste of her - it was all I could ask for. It was the longest Miss J had let me touch her with my hands, but better still it was the freest I'd ever been to explore her sensational round ass with my hands.

Soon she rolled over and allowed me to concentrate fully on her pussy. After gently and relentlessly sucking and licking my master's clit, I could tell she was close to climax, but unfortunately, she lost it at the last minute. A twinge of disappointment hit me for failing Miss J.

Despite this set back, Miss J seemed content and ordered me to make her jam roll polly while she took a nap, giving me time to recuperate. Once she woke, I served her the food and continued working on her LinkedIn, with my leash held in her hand. Miss J's ownership of me was clear, and I found the control she had over me exhilarating.

Miss J decided she wanted another go at me making her cum. She ordered me to undress and I ended up kneeling at the end of the bed in preparation of serving her in nothing but my boxer shorts. Her commands followed, "slap your balls." I did this several times under her orders. The pain was intense but bearable, the idea of pleasing her superseding any discomfort.

My efforts weren't good enough. "Pull your balls out the bottom of your boxers," Miss J instructed, an instruction that I followed immediately. She told me to hit my balls again, I did as I was told, trying to push my limits and slam my fist harder into my balls this time, but Miss J said it wasn't hard enough and said "two hard slaps and it'll all be over." With a flat palm I smacked my stinging balls as hard as I could two more times. Miss J still wasn't happy with my efforts, she said "I'm not satisfied, more." I hit my balls as hard as I could three or four more times. Thankfully this final assault on my own genitals was enough to earn me the right to serve Miss J again in the most intimate way.

Now satisfied with my obedience, Miss J ordered me to lick her. The taste of her on my tongue was an intoxicating reward for the pain I had endured. This time, she came, her satisfaction a balm to my earlier disappointment.

After her climax, she commanded me to lie on the floor on my back, spread my arms and legs, and close my eyes. Miss J left me in this position for a while, leaving me to wonder what was going to happen to me next. The vulnerability of the position filled me with anxiety and anticipation, a potent combination. Then Miss J walked over and kicked me in the balls before telling me, "you're lucky I'm ill, I don't have the energy."

Despite the pain, my desire hadn't faded. I begged to be allowed to wank, my arousal almost unbearable. But Miss J denied me, the denial heightening my arousal. I was left on the floor, my body aching, my arousal unabated, her intoxicating scent still lingering in the air.

Our encounter over, I was left to nurse my aching body, the sweet, bitter sting of Jade's words echoing in my head. As I lay there on the floor, now in a more conformable and relaxed position on my side, we started a conversation, a debriefing of sorts about our session - almost as equals.

"Fortunately for you," she began, her voice husky with fatigue and illness, "I was going to whip you while using the strap-on." Her words sent a thrill through me, a mixture of fear and anticipation that I relished.

"I think I deserved it after my first attempt to please you," I replied, my voice shaking slightly at the memory of her body beneath my hands and mouth. Her satisfaction was the only thing that mattered to me and it was a blow to my ego to think I might not have pleased her as much as I wanted to.

"I did cum the first time," she corrected me, "you just kind of missed the spot while I was cuming, so I couldn't feel it properly." A wave of relief washed over me, replaced swiftly by a sense of disappointment in myself. I had been so focused on pleasing her that I had failed to pay attention to her cues.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, I've had that before," I admitted, acknowledging the unfortunate timing of my actions.

"And then the second time wasn't as intense as Friday because I already came before. Frustrating." Her words were a bitter pill to swallow, her dissatisfaction stinging more than any physical pain she could have inflicted on me. "Yeah, there was no wet patch for you to push my face in," I said, trying to lighten the mood with a bit of humour.

Her laugh was a balm to my wounded pride, "Haha, yeah. Friday was the best when I came, best so far. I wanted that again!" Her words rekindled my determination to do better next time, to give her the satisfaction she craved and deserved.

"I know I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it a second time but I felt bad," I confessed. My desire to please her was always at odds with my physical limitations.

"Well, you managed to make me cum twice in one day even if it wasn't that great, it happened," she replied, a hint of appreciation in her voice.

"It makes me happy to know I am pleasing you, Miss J," I said earnestly. There was nothing more satisfying to me than seeing her in the throes of ecstasy, her satisfaction a tangible reward for my obedience and submission.

"It makes it more exciting knowing you squirt, might end up with a mouthful next time," I continued, the anticipation of our next encounter already building.

"I do? I thought that happened just once," she questioned, a playful note in her voice.

"Well, yeah, just the once, but if I make you cum hard again, I get more of your sweet juices," I replied, my mind already filled with the intoxicating scent and taste of her.

Her response was quick, a hint of amusement in her voice, "Control yourself!" Despite the playful tone, her words were a clear command, a reminder of the control she had over me, a control I was more than happy to submit to.

After an intense day, we finally parted ways. Jade got a taxi and left me behind, the memory of her still lingering in every corner of my home. Once she reached home safely, she texted me.

"I'm in," her simple message appeared on my screen, and I was relieved she was home safe.

"Good, get some rest now," I replied quickly. I wanted her to take care of herself, to recover from the cold that had plagued her. I was eager to please, "Once the expense of Christmas is out of the way, you'll have to let me know if there's anything you want for my house. Like I bought new towels the other week and bought an extra one for you. I want you to be comfortable when you're here, especially like today when you're ill."

Her response was as sweet as it was succinct, "That's very sweet, slave." Her acknowledgement was a reward in itself. She then assured me of her comfort in my space, "I should say I am already very comfortable. A towel and change of clothes for when I'm lounging is fine plus you already bought the mirror."

"Thanks again for coming all the way over today," I texted, my gratitude genuine and heartfelt.

"Today was rubbish, obviously because I'm ill. I guess," she responded. Her words stirred a pang of sympathy in me.

"Yeah, I know. I felt bad for you, wanted to give you a hug but remembered my place," I replied. In my desire to comfort her, I had almost overstepped the boundaries of our dynamic.

"Well that's sweet anyway, slave," she said, her words soothing my anxiety. That conversation seemed to bring us closer, and over the next few days, we continued to exchange messages, a tentative balance restored between us.

"Sorry Miss J," I texted, eager to assure her of my loyalty and dedication.

"Glad you came back," she replied, a note of relief in her words that matched my own.

"Glad you had me back. I've honestly learnt my lesson, I'll serve you for as long as you'll let me," I replied, my words a promise, a vow of unwavering devotion.

"Fine," she replied, her single-word response concealing a multitude of feelings. She then added, "One day I'll have to let you go for the same reasons you wanted to leave."

"I know," I responded, acutely aware of the inevitability of her words. "I try not to think about that, but I understand that," I added, acknowledging the uncomfortable reality.

She continued, "When I get in a serious relationship because I can't be sexual with two people." Then she said something that warmed my heart, "To keep that contact and see how we both get on, but I think I'd like to always know you. I mean that. Like for years."

"Thank you, I'd like that," I responded, touched by her sincerity. I truly valued what we had and was glad to know that she did too. "What we have is kind of special, the trust and respect. I don't think I'll ever find this again," I said, putting my feelings into words.

"I agree, I really do," she texted back, affirming my sentiment.

"Well whoever you end up with will be a lucky guy, but don't expect me not to be jealous :)" I replied, injecting a bit of humour into the conversation. Her reply, however, was unexpected, "Well I was jealous of the girl you were dating. She was enough to make you stop serving me."

"I'm sorry," I replied instantly, regret seeping through my words.

"Sleeping now," she texted after a short silence, abruptly ending the conversation.

"Goodnight, Miss J. I hope you feel better in the morning," I replied, wishing her a restful sleep. Despite the distance, I was there for her in spirit, my loyalty unwavering as ever.

The story continues: Pumped Dick & Waxed Balls